
Before you can use our S3 Cloud Storage with the AWS CLI, you must install the AWS CLI and configure it.

  1. Install the AWS CLI - ref docs.aws.amazon.com

  2. Configure the AWS CLI - ref docs.aws.amazon.com

After you have installed and configured the AWS CLI locally, the following sections will show you how to use the CLI. For complete examples, see the AWS CLI S3 examples.

List buckets

aws s3 --endpoint-url https://s3proxy.decentrally.cloud

List objects

aws s3 --endpoint-url https://s3proxy.decentrally.cloud ls s3://bucket

Upload object

aws s3 --endpoint-url https://s3proxy.decentrally.cloud cp /path/to/file s3://bucket

Get object

aws s3 --endpoint-url https://s3proxy.decentrally.cloud cp s3://bucket/file /path/to/file

Delete object

aws s3 --endpoint-url https://s3proxy.decentrally.cloud rm s3://bucket/file

Delete multiple objects

aws s3 --endpoint-url https://s3proxy.decentrally.cloud rm s3://bucket/ --recursive

Copy object

aws s3 --endpoint-url https://s3proxy.decentrally.cloud cp s3://bucket/file s3://bucket/file

Last updated

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